We decided to drive since the flights available would have taken about 18 hours of travel--the same as driving. The girls did awesome--except that Gracie had serious issues with staying in her seatbelt. I am so glad we made it safe! I started reading the Twilight books on the drive, but that's another story.
Eldon and his brothers, Jared and Travis, as palbearers with other cousins, ect. Grandpa Tilley had military honors at his funeral. It was a good experience for the girls. They asked a lot of good questions.
Eldon and his family with Grandma Tilley at her house.
Annalese, McKyla and Gracie with their cousins--my twin nieces, Madison and Morgan.
McKyla as Hannah Montana--she will be so mad when she see's I took this pic. Sorry, Kyla, but you're adorable.
The girls LOVE swimming at the hotels. I didn't get any pics of us swimming at the hotel. These are actually from McKyla's b-day party, but I had to add them because swimming together at the hotel was one of my favorite memories.
On the way home we got to stop in Colorado and meet my new niece, Karlie. Isn't she gorgeous!
Annalese and McKyla with their cousins Justin, Westin, Bailie and Karlie at their house in Colorado. We didn't get to stay long, but I am so glad we stopped. We were all so happy to see them, if only for a little while. All in all it was a great trip!
The whole way home Gracie kept asking where here Auntie Bee was. Even last Sunday she asked if we were sure Auntie Bee made it back on her airplane. They love their Auntie Bee. Wish I got more pics.