Sunday, July 13, 2008

Caution: May be inappropriate, but funny.

So we made everyone take naps today and we are AMAZED how much happier we all are. These summer hours are catching up to us. Anyway, thought I would share this conversation Gracie and I just had. Made me laugh!

I'm typing and Gracie is squeezing my ARM singing, "Squishy boobs, squishy boobs!" I'm thinking, o.k. she doesn't know what "boobs" are . . . well aparently she does.

Gracie: "Squishy boobs, squishy boobs!"
Me: "I'll squish your boobs." (a.k.a. "stop squeezing my arm!" I keep typing.)
Gracie: "Don't! I don't have any boobs." (She lifts her shirt and looks at herself.)
Gracie: "Well, I have these ones. But they're like Daddy's boobs." (I start to laugh.)
Gracie: "You don't have boobs like mine. Show me your boobs!"
Me: "Now you do sound like Daddy."


Meg and Jeremy said...

Shyla my good buddy from back in the Ed's IGA days! It is so good to find you. What a beautiful family you have! And I laughed at this little story too. (I have a five-year-old daughter so I know what your going through, they are obsessed with boobies!) Haha!

Rubalcavas said...

That was too funny! Are you coming to the reunion? It's been so long since I've seen you.....

Meg and Jeremy said...

Hey thanks for your comment on my blog, and no I won't be at reunion this year. I'll miss seeing you though.

Pickett Fences said...


Hey I love your post. Try having boys and you will know what "inappropriate" is. Call me and let me know how your trip went and if I can post you blog site on my friends and family side of my blog.


Anonymous said...

Hey Shyla and Family,
It was so much fun to see you and everyone at the reunion! Did you have fun? Your family is so cute and I love your new home you are building. I am sure it is stressful, but once you are in it will all be worth it.:) Keep in touch.
Heather Reidhead Bryant